Earning the CCIM Designation

Earning the CCIM Designation

While the exact requirements vary among different  membership types, there are certain commonalities among them all. Every candidate for the CCIM designation is required to complete an education component, pass the Comprehensive Exam, complete a membership application, and pay annual dues. All candidates except Fast Track members will also have to submit a Portfolio of Qualifying Experience for review.

Education Component

The  education component of earning your CCIM designation is comprised of a four-course curriculum, an online ethics course, negotiation training, and elective courses from the Ward Center for Real Estate Studies. Your membership type will determine how many education requirements you'll need to fulfill.

Visit the membership types page to learn about your specific requirements.

Portfolio of Qualifying Experience

To demonstrate their experience in commercial real estate, designation candidates must submit a portfolio of qualifying activities, transactions, projects, or work products. This portfolio can take one of three forms, depending on your level of experience and the type of work that will be included.

Transactional portfolios must meet minimum volume requirements:

  • Three (3) or more qualifying activities totaling $30 million or more; or
  • Exactly ten (10) qualifying activities totaling $10 million or more; or
  • Twenty (20) qualifying activities with no dollar volume requirement.

Learn more about the portfolio requirements.

Comprehensive Exam

The Comprehensive Exam is a full-day exam testing your mastery of the concepts introduced in the core CCIM courses. It's preceded by the two-day Course Concepts Review, allowing designation candidates the opportunity to review the key topics that will be covered on the exam.

Learn more about the Comprehensive Exam and Course Concepts Review.

Time & Cost
The CCIM designation program was designed to help you take your own pace earning the CCIM designation. While students typically complete the program in 1-3 years, we've had members complete it anywhere from six months to 10 years.

Learn more about the time and financial investment needed to earn the designation.


Ready to get your CCIM designation?